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  1. Zong Rinpoche Pendant

    Zong Rinpoche Pendant


    Receive the blessings of one of Gelugpa’s most highly respected lamas with this oval pendant featuring the holy image of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. With a satin-finish stainless steel body and frame for durability, this pendant makes an ideal life-long companion for your spiritual journey. 了解更多
    美元 10.00
  2. Dorje Shugden Heart Crystal

    Dorje Shugden Heart Crystal


    The Dorje Shugden heart crystal is a six-sided clear crystal, which is carved with the sacred mantra of Dorje Shugden. It can be worn as a pendant, or kept close to your body in a pocket or wallet, to keep you safe from negative forces and evil spirits. 了解更多
    美元 20.00

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