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  1. 多杰雄登神奇宝丹



    这极度罕见又神圣的舍利宝丹由多杰雄登寺院的高僧们加持合成,内含有许多高僧的舍利,包括宗喀巴大师,至尊帕绷喀仁波切,至尊赤江仁波切,班禅索南扎巴,第十世至尊班禅喇嘛以及登玛贡萨仁波切的毛发及衣物。这舍利丸能置放于舍利塔里给予加持和庇佑,口服能治愈,融入乳霜并置放于亡者口中也可获得加持。 了解更多
    美元 10.00
  2. Dorje Shugden Sacred Chakra

    Dorje Shugden Sacred Chakra


    This small, slim Dorje Shugden chakra is a protective traditional talisman infused with potent prayers. It can be worn as a pendant, or kept close to your body in a pocket or wallet, to keep you safe from negative forces and evil spirits. 了解更多
    美元 15.00
  3. Trijang Rinpoche Pendant

    Trijang Rinpoche Pendant


    Receive the blessings of one of Gelugpa’s most illustrious lamas with this oval pendant featuring the holy image of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. With a satin-finish stainless steel body and frame for durability, this pendant makes an ideal life-long companion for your spiritual journey. 了解更多
    美元 10.00
  4. Zong Rinpoche Pendant

    Zong Rinpoche Pendant


    Receive the blessings of one of Gelugpa’s most highly respected lamas with this oval pendant featuring the holy image of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. With a satin-finish stainless steel body and frame for durability, this pendant makes an ideal life-long companion for your spiritual journey. 了解更多
    美元 10.00

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