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“dorje shugden tsatsa”的搜索结果

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  1. Dorje Shugden Sacred Chakra

    Dorje Shugden Sacred Chakra


    This small, slim Dorje Shugden chakra is a protective traditional talisman infused with potent prayers. It can be worn as a pendant, or kept close to your body in a pocket or wallet, to keep you safe from negative forces and evil spirits. 了解更多
    美元 15.00
  2. Zong Rinpoche Pendant

    Zong Rinpoche Pendant


    Receive the blessings of one of Gelugpa’s most highly respected lamas with this oval pendant featuring the holy image of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. With a satin-finish stainless steel body and frame for durability, this pendant makes an ideal life-long companion for your spiritual journey. 了解更多
    美元 10.00
  3. 多杰雄登铜色擦擦



    这小巧、4.5寸多杰雄登擦擦是采用持久耐用的合成树脂制成,并彩上温暖的金铜色。这擦擦是学生们、常出外旅游与公干者,随身携带的理想庇护和加持物。 了解更多
    美元 15.00
  4. Support the Dorje Shugden Sangha

    Support the Dorje Shugden Sangha


    A contribution for the basic necessities such as food, clothing, medicines and Dharma texts for the ordained communities within the Dorje Shugden monasteries of Shar Gaden and Serpom, ensuring the survival of our tradition for future generations. 了解更多
    美元 10.00
  5. Trijang Rinpoche Pendant

    Trijang Rinpoche Pendant


    Receive the blessings of one of Gelugpa’s most illustrious lamas with this oval pendant featuring the holy image of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. With a satin-finish stainless steel body and frame for durability, this pendant makes an ideal life-long companion for your spiritual journey. 了解更多
    美元 10.00

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